Black History Month 2023: Rest as Reparations

In a world the demands 
Rest is Resistance

The west's capitalistic structure and wealth is built on the backs of stolen and enslaved Africans. In this world dark bodies are used, abused, disregard and left to suffer. In this world, the few have more than they will ever need and the masses struggle in the trenches trying to survive, make ends meet and hustle their way to a dream that was never theirs to realize.

To Rest in this world is to choose to resist the pull towards norms of capitalism, patriarchy and systems of oppression.

REST is a form of Resistance

Rest Should be an Act of Reparations.

When we are exhausted, we cannot dream.

When we are exhausted, we cannot listen to our ancestors.

I often wonder what creative genius would emerge for Black Americans and the Black Diaspora if for several generations we were paid to rest, respond to our creative urge rather than hustle to survive and create amid death and angst.

To those are are weary, rest

To those in a creative rut, rest

To those fight systems of oppression, rest

RESOURCES for REST: Check out The Nap Ministry

About the Author

Marshaé Sylvester

Marshaé  Sylvester
CWACM In-Reach Coordinator

Marshaé is honored to be a part of the Church Within A Church Movement, working alongside people who are passionate and committed to being with and for those on the margins. Marshaé is joining CWACM after over 11 years of college campus ministry, doing leadership development with multiethnic teams.